Meet Susan Engel RN, MSN
Advanced practice nurse with extensive experience in the care of older patients
Developer of hospital programs, such as No One Dies Alone and Dementia Care, as well as parish nurse programs in the community.
By focusing on the education and support of the caregiver, Susan is bringing women together to meet their unique challenges.
About The Crones Nest-where women gather to circle
I am a crone. I have lived through the maiden and mother phases of life. I invite all women who are crones, mothers, or those mothering someone, to share in the energy we collectively hold in the nest.
The nest symbolizes a container that provides a safe and supportive gathering to share our vulnerabilities and challenges. Our circle is a place of transformation where we experience healing energy for ourselves and others. It is a space to change fear into love, and a place to find wholeness.
The eggs symbolize our outer shell with the spiritual richness within. In the security of the nest, our wisdom and intuition awakens to be remembered, discovered, and trusted.
The hands represent the Holy Spirit as a promised comforter, one who mothers the world, and nurtures, and sustains us.
The trees and greenery represent returning to nature. This is the opportunity to rediscover our ability to attain wholeness for ourselves as we care for others through meditation and grounding exercises.